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Laser Resurfacing for a Flawless and Youthful Skin


Laser resurfacing is a procedure which uses a laser to improve the appearance of the skin and make it look more youthful. It can either be ablative (wounding) or non-ablative (non-wounding). Ablative laser resurfacing involves a removal of a thin layer of skin, while non-ablative laser resurfacing works by stimulating collagen formation. The latter is less invasive procedure but it does not achieve the same effect as ablative laser resurfacing.

Laser can be used to reduce or eliminate a number of skin flaws including:

Both ablative and non-ablative laser resurfacing are safe but both can cause various side effects such as:


Laser resurfacing is a simple and relatively short procedure. It lasts 15 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the procedure used and the size of the skin surface treated. It is a painless procedure because the skin is numbed with a local anaesthetic, while the patients who undergo an extensive resurfacing are sedated. The results of laser resurfacing are more obvious in patients who underwent ablative resurfacing than in patients who had a non-ablative resurfacing. Also, improvement of the skin’s appearance after non-ablative laser resurfacing typically takes place gradually over a longer period of time. However, neither ablative or non-ablative laser resurfacing provides permanent results but the repetition of the procedure may not be needed for years.

Laser resurfacing is the fastest and most effective way to improve the skin’s appearance but it is not advisable for people with certain medical conditions such as diabetes and illnesses that affect the immune system, and pregnant women. It is recommended to consult a physician before scheduling a laser resurfacing skin treatment.